Britney Spears Requests Her Father Be Removed From Managing Her Personal Affairs
Spears doesn't want the conservatorship to end, but rather a new person be put in control.

During a Wednesday, March 24th, hearing pertaining to Britney Spears’ conservatorship agreement, Spears’ lawyer, Samuel Ingham, told a Los Angeles judge that Spears requests her father, Jamie Spears, be removed from having any control over her personal affairs. At the present, Jamie retains control over all financial decisions his daughter makes and only recently stepped back from controlling her personal life due to health issues he encountered in 2019.
According to The Guardian, Ingham requested on behalf of Spears that her temporary care manager, Jodi Montgomery, who stepped in for Jamie in 2019, be permanently installed as the manager of her personal affairs, thus taking over Jamie’s role. Montgomery currently oversees Spears’ healthcare and insurance and has the power to restrict visitors, retain caretakers and security, as well as prosecute restraining orders on behalf of Spears.
Jamie is not solely in control of his daughter’s wealth. He and a private wealth management firm, Bessemer Trust, are co-conservators over her finances. Spears requested a private firm be brought into her conservatorship earlier this year, and her request was granted after she told a Los Angeles judge that she feared her father.
Court papers filed by Ingham on March 24th show that Spears has the right to request an end to her conservatorship, despite many in the #FreeBritney movement believing she is being kept in the arrangement against her will. Spears has yet to request her freedom from this legal binding, but rather just wants Jamie to have no part in it.
Until Jamie is completely removed from the conservatorship, Spears will not book any professional gigs or enter into any work-related agreements. The next hearing regarding Spears’ conservatorship with happen in April, and hopefully a judge will then grant the removal of Jamie Spears from the equation.