Britney Spears pulls a hilarious prank with the help of NPH

If you’re not watching Neil Patrick Harris’ new variety show, Best Time Ever, you are missing out, guys. He’s enlisted a ton of his famous friends to come by and help him out with the show, and one of the recent ones happens to be Ms. Britney Spears (we’d like to imagine that the two have remained besties since her episodes of How I Met Your Mother). What does NPH have the pop princess do? Prank a BUNCH of people, of course.

In a prank-game called “Voices In Your Head” NPH has put his voice inside Spears’ head so she can hear what he’s saying – and she has to do whatever he says. Spears has been tasked with trying to hire a new bodyguard, and interviews candidates one by one, while NPH and his “second favorite Jonas Brother” Joe, watch on. (Because when you’re enlisting anyone for a prank, of course, you also need the help of a Jonas Brother.)

Spears has to introduce herself to one potential bodyguard as “I’m Britney, b*tch,” and makes another kiss her hand. There’s also a scavenger hunt during of the interview, along with dancing, obviously. Britney’s awesomely game and so are all of her pranking victims. I wish she could hire all of these guys for being such good sports.

Check out the full prank below!

(Image via YouTube)


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