The Bride’s daughter from “Kill Bill” is all grown up and as fierce as her (fictional) mama

Our favorite Hattori Hanzō sword-wielding hero, Beatrix Kiddo (codename Black Mamba, aka The Bride) first graced us with her presence in the two-part martial arts film Kill Bill over a decade ago. And in that time, Kiddo’s kiddo, B.B. (Perla Haney-Jardine IRL) has grown up to be a glorious red-carpet master.

For a reminder, here’s B.B. in action in Kill Bill Vol. 2.



And here she is today!

In case you totally missed it, Haney-Jardine actually played Steve Jobs’ (Michael Fassbender) daughter Lisa in last year’s biopic Steve Jobs.

And she’s been slaying red carpets for a while now since her Kill Bill days.

Like, seriously.

Just like she continues to do today.

The Bride would be so proud!

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