This breastfeeding mom was literally brought to (happy) tears by a note from a stranger

Even though breastfeeding is literally one of the most natural things in the world, there’s still stigma around mothers doing it in public. But we just heard that a stranger’s note brought a breastfeeding mom to tears, and it kinda makes us teary as well.

HAPPY tears.

Here’s what happened: Isabelle Ames was breastfeeding her 10-month-old daughter in public at a restaurant, and her server — a fellow mother — was so supportive that she gave Isabelle a free pancake and included an incredibly sweet note alongside it.

In Isabelle’s caption, she shared what happened after she received the note. “[The server] then began to tell me how ‘us mommas gotta look out for each other.’ Instant tears. I gave this incredibly sweet stranger a hug and cried again.”

Isabelle also explained that the moment was so personally significant because she had been having an extremely difficult time breastfeeding and struggled with feeling like a “failure” as a mom.  She added,

"So often, before I feed Charlotte in public I get a twinge of fear. "Okay, this is the time. Someone is going to harass me. They are going to yell at me. Someone is going to tell me I can't do this here." But not today. Today I got love, respect and a free pancake."

It warms our hearts just knowing that exchanges like these DO happen, because the world could always use more kindness (and mom life is HARD!). Mothers should ALWAYS be given a safe and comfortable space to nourish their children — and treated with respect and understanding, wherever they happen to be.

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