A breastfeeding emoji might be arriving soon, and it’s way overdue

New moms can officially prepare to step their emoji game up because the long overdue breastfeeding emoji may be arriving soon, People reports. Who are we kidding: We’re so excited about this new emoji that we’ll almost certainly find a way to work it into our text convos and social media posts even if we aren’t currently nursing a baby.

We’ve already been blessed with an EmojiMom keyboard that accurately represents motherhood, including all of its tee-stained struggles and baby-cradling joys, so this breastfeeding emoji will be in excellent company. In September, registered nurse Rachel Lee spearheaded the campaign to create the new emoji by submitting a proposal to Unicode, the non-profit that brought us the emoji keyboard.

"I propose adding an emoji for breastfeeding as a complement to the existing baby bottle emoji, and to complete the set of family emojis," Lee wrote. "The lack of a breastfeeding emoji represents a gap in the Unicode Standard given the prevalence of breastfeeding in cultures around the world, and throughout history."



“Breastfeeding occurs at all hours of the the day and night, and text communication is frequently used during these times,” Lee continues. “This emoji is likely to be used in context for a message such as, ‘Up at 3 a.m. with baby [breastfeeding emoji].’”

Exactly! The last thing a new mom needs is to have to grapple with a hungry baby and autocorrect when she can simply use a very specific emoji to get her point across.

Fingers crossed that the breastfeeding emoji arrives soon!