Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes with Legos

Get ready to wake up because soon September ends. As will Breaking Bad. On the bright side, there’s plenty you can look forward to in the future. Well, for the most part.

It’s time to get into the spooky spirit, so put down the candy corn for a moment and take a big gulp of “The Week In WHAT?!

Kid to Gender Stereotypes: “KAPOW!”

Some little girls prefer to find their own unique ways of expressing themselves. One creative preschooler is tackling the huge social issue of gender stereotypes all by her lonesome. Regardless of whether (or not) she’s “intentionally” waxing poetically about gender, Cecilia Fierro spends her playtime putting female heads on otherwise would-be male LEGO figurines. Because why shouldn’t the imaginary world of LEGOland feature “Badass Lego Girls?” After all, they run the (LEGO) world — right?!

Seriously, Babies Are the New Adults

When you’re a hipster baby, you know you’re in for a life of marching to the beat of your own drum. That is, until you end up in a class with other hipster babies who are doing the same thing that every hipster is doing, thus making being a hipster the most un-hipster thing you could possibly do in life. Either way, it looks like the latest trend in Brooklyn hipster culture is teaching newborns and toddlers how to DJ. It’ll set parents back $200, but they’ll get a return on their investment plus interest when their little one mans the booth at the next neighborhood loft party.

From Cub to Pub

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before — a bear walks into a bar, and the bartender says “You can’t be in here,” so the bear ups and leaves. If you’re looking for the punchline, there isn’t one because it’s not a joke but rather something that actually happened in Alaska. Patrons enjoying a cocktail or two at a downtown Juneau hotel bar received an unwelcome visit from a black bear. The bartender freaked out and screamed at the bear, which shockingly got the message and left instead of going crazy on innocent bystanders. Yeesh! It’s tough to find work as a bear-tender these days, huh?

Is It Worth It? Lemme Twerk It!

Congratulations, world — or is it more like sorry? The twerking craze is now officially in the annals of history and still going strong despite an incredible backlash. On September 25, 2013, 358 people gathered in New York’s renowned Herald Square and twerked like they’ve never twerked before: simultaneously for two whole minutes. What better way to spend 120 seconds outside of Macy’s in one of the busiest intersections in the entire city? At least all involved crossed “Guinness World Record” off of their bucket lists.

And there you have this week in “WHAT?!” Can’t wait to see what’s in store for humanity next!

Image via Badass Lego Girls.

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