This brand new “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” picture will send a ~chill~ down your spine

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…well, at least in Stars Hollow.

Along with the other brand-new magnificent images we’ve seen this week  from Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life (if you need a refresher, they’re here and here), we’ve got one more to round out the trio. It’s not fair to say that this is our favorite one so far, but it ranks pretty high if only because it was clearly taken during Lorelai’s favorite season, Winter.

Or, at it better be from Winter — and the episode, “Winter” —  otherwise Stars Hollow has some climate change ‘splaining to do.


You might think Lorelai is looking up at something waaaay up high, but probably, she’s just enjoying the snowfall. You know how much she loves snow, right?

“Everything’s magical when it snows, everything looks pretty,” she once mused to Rory. “The clothes are great. Coats, scarves, gloves, hats.”

Considering how great both Lorelai and Rory look in the above picture — seriously, where can we get that pink coat?? — we’re going to have to agree with that statement. Snow is pretty damn magical. Now add to that how magical everything about A Year in the Life will be, and seriously, is it November 25th yet??

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