If you were born today, here’s what you’d be named
Earlier this month, the Social Security Administration released its official list of the most popular baby names of 2014, with Emma and Noah topping the list for girls and boys, respectively. While this list is kind of cool in and of itself (who isn’t at least a little interested to know what the most common monikers for new humans are?), TIME really took it to the next level, pouring all of the SSA’s baby name data into an amazing interactive that let’s you put this info to addictively time-sucking good use.
Here’s how it works: You input your first name, year of birth and sex, and TIME‘s interactive gives you your name “today.” How? By pulling the rank of your name’s popularity in the year that you were born and predicting what your name would be today, assuming your parents would pick the name of equal popularity on the 2014 list. Here’s mine:
I always knew Kayleigh wasn’t a super-common name for my age group, coming in at the 379th most popular name for girls the year I was born. My name if I’d been born today (AKA the 379th most popular name for girls today)? Drumroll please…
But the awesomeness doesn’t stop there. In addition to revealing what your name would be today, the interactive also spits out a list of your most likely name by decade, going all the way back to the 1890s, when, fun fact, my name would have probably been Fred.
Check your own name here, but be warned: This is the kind of addictive discovery that might kill your productivity for the next half hour or so as you check on the names of pretty much every friend and family member you can think of. You’re welcome.