This new Lane Bryant campaign with Danielle Brooks and Ashley Graham is giving us all the body positivity feels

Haters fall back!

In complete defiance of internet trolls, Lane Bryant has teamed with several of our favorite ladies to remind the world women’s beauty comes in all sizes.

As part of the company’s fall 2016 campaign #ThisBody, Danielle Brooks, Gabourey Sidibe and Alessandra Garcia, team with Lane Bryant models Ashley Graham and Candice Huffine to rock their curves, confidence and Lane Bryant’s fall lingerie line.

That alone would be fierce enough, but they don’t stop there. Over a gorgeous black-and-white video, we hear mean-spirited, internet comments meant to devalue the worth and beauty of women based on the size and shape of their bodies.

In an interview with People Magazine, Brooks shares:

“ can receive hundreds and thousands of all these love posts and all this good affirmation on Instagram or Twitter. And then that one person writes one thing that dims your light but that’s the thing you can’t let it dim your light, because whatI’ve realized — it’s really not your problem, it’s theirs.

We couldn’t agree more! Negative comments on social media can leave any of us feeling down and doubting ourselves, but the energy people give out is a reflection of where they are in life and almost always has nothing to do with their intended recipient.

It’s refreshing to see these inspiring women not only brush past their trolls, but also highlight the ridiculousness of any assertion that they are less than amazing.

“We are lucky to live in a world made up of so many different kinds of people and I am confident in the direction we are going. - Candice Huffine

Chalk up another win for body positivity, and don’t forget to always be your most beautiful self with no apologies!

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