This fitness model’s side-by-side makes an important point about wearing makeup
Today’s dose of makeup wisdom comes courtesy of body-positive Instagrammer Sara Puhto. In a side-by-side photo of herself with and without makeup, Puhto perfectly explains how we should approach makeup. Moral of the story: Do what makes you happy. Know you’re beautiful no matter what. And don’t worry about what anyone else does with his or her face.
Puhto, whose Instagram handle is the awesomely relatable @saggysara, is kind of known for her body-positive side-by-side photos that often highlight how little changes in the way you stand can drastically change how your body looks.
Her most recent post is a great addition to her already inspiring posts. and instead of focusing on fitness or her beautiful stomach, this one is all about makeup.
“I always thought I had to be ‘naturally pretty to get away with not wearing make up,’” she writes.
"But it's hit me recently that I shouldn't care what other people think, I don't need to look good for anyone and I think I look great as is without make up."
Yet, just because she has reached this revelation doesn’t mean that she is condemning anyone who does like wearing makeup. “There is no right or wrong way to wear make up, anyone who wants to wear it can and anyone who doesn’t, doesn’t have to!” she writes.
"I don't understand why such a big deal is made out of make up. If you have a problem with someone wearing no make up or too much make up, you should really re-evaluate your priorities in life. It's 2017, it's okay if any gender wears make up or chooses not to wear make up, if someone wants to go to the grocery store at 3am with a full face of make up, let them, it's their body and their choice, they don't need to have any reason for doing so."
And she includes a statement that applies to pretty much everything in life — not just makeup:
"Focus on you, focus on YOUR life, life's too short to spend your energy worrying about what other people say about you anyway ☺️"
Puhto’s post is all about doing whatever you want with your own face. It’s your choice and — as she writes — your makeup choices don’t define you. So rock whatever makeup makes you happy! It’s your face, your life, and you’re the most gorgeous when you stay true to you.