This Latina fashion blogger refuses to stop loving her body

Personal style is exactly that: personal. It’s different for everyone, which is what makes it so exciting. The same could be said about body-positivity. Body-positivity (or bo-po for short) means accepting your body even as it changes — whether it’s in physical ability or size, regardless of age or lifestyle choices.

It takes time to see your body as a masterpiece in constant progress, and even though clothing can make this process more difficult, it can also make it easier. Jessica Torres is one example of the bo-po movement. As a body-positive fashion blogger and reporter, Torres, who’s from the Bronx with Ecuadorian roots, is helping men and women realize their beauty no matter what shape or size they come in.

The now-fashion lover didn’t always feel confident in her body or style. In fact, it wasn’t until college that she really embraced her own fashion sense, and decided to show it off.  In an interview with mitú, Jessica said,

"When I got to college I met friends who were unapologetically themselves and made me realize that I could start living my best life now, not 10 or 50 pounds later. I also discovered fashion blogs at that time and I became obsessed. I would go onto these blogs and save the pictures hoping they would encourage me to be brave enough to wear something bold and not be embarrassed about my body."

The fact that Jessica has made a name for herself with dope outfits and killer selfies is even more inspiring when you find out she didn’t post her first full-body picture online until she was two years into college.

Now 26, Jessica continues to be an inspiration to woman who may not look the way media thinks they should. And although she may get hate for killing it, she knows it’s worth it in the end. She says,

"A lot of the things I do is to set an example for other men and women who are afraid to do things like wearing a swimsuit, crop top, form-fitting dress or even a sleeveless shirt."

We’ll take more fabulous role models like Jessica any day.

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