The young women of Blockers say the film includes the types of conversations they have with friends

Aside from being both hilarious and sweet, the great thing about Blockers — which is about three parents trying to stop their daughters from losing their virginity on prom night — is the way it depicts young women. Julie (Kathryn Newton), Kayla (Geraldine Viswanathan), and Sam (Gideon Adlon) are strong and liberated, and they’re comfortable in their decisions — specifically, the decisions they make where their sexuality is concerned.
The actresses behind the characters couldn’t agree more about how Kay Cannon’s Blockers represents young women, saying they really related to the characters, and conversations had, in the comedy.
"It felt really normal," Newton told HelloGiggles. "I felt like I was playing a really good character. It doesn't happen a lot at our age. It's a coming of age story and dealing with your parents and dealing with your friends. That's what I loved."
"And now people are watching it, and it's created this movement I don't think we intended. I think we were all just telling a really normal story. Or, I felt like it was normal. I felt like [these] are conversations I have with my friends."
Perhaps it wasn’t intended, but Blockers’ sex-positive message certainly has people excited.
Because, there really hasn’t been enough of that representation, especially in regard to young women. “The power of cinema is not to be misjudged,” Newton continued. “I mean, working with Kay Cannon, first-time, female director, she brought us all up, made us all feel really comfortable. It never felt like we were really trying to make a statement, but I guess that’s how it goes.”
#Blockers: How Kay Cannon Made a Raunchy, R-Rated Sex-Positive Comedy for Teenage Girls @KayKayCannon
— IndieWire (@IndieWire) April 6, 2018
#Blockers is the Sex-Positive, Feminist 'Superbad' But Funnier
— Darth Kriss (@insanityreport) April 6, 2018
So, #Blockers opens this weekend. It's funny and sex positive and John Cena's naked thighs will make you want to do more squats. Here's my review.
— Brent McKnight (@BrentMMcKnight) April 5, 2018
And the fact that Blockers is debuting in the #MeToo and Time’s Up era has only fueled excitement around the film. “In light of the current movement, it’s come out and it’s just heightened everything,” Adlon said. “And everything that has to do with female empowerment to become more and more normalized is extremely important.”
Viswanathan added, “A time where this kind of movie isn’t so subversive would be great.” And you can say that again.
Blockers is now in theaters.