“Black Mirror” is being turned into a series of books you probably shouldn’t read before bed

Although the TV series explores the scary world of human relationships with technology, Black Mirror is going to be entering the relatively low-tech world of literature. According to Entertainment Weekly, Penguin Random House will be creating a book series inspired by Black Mirror, which means even more nightmare fuel from this Netflix series lies in wait for your future.

Originally a British TV show, Netflix took on Charlie Brooker’s sci-fi anthology series for its third season and the show is available for streaming whenever you need a good, dark look at how modern technology is impacting our lives for the worse.

And soon, there will be Black Mirror books to supplement the already freaky series.

EW wrote that the three-volume series of books hasn’t been written yet, but the stories will be crafted by popular authors and edited by Black Mirror creator Brooker. So if you love the series, you’re gonna want to get your hands and eyes on these unsettling tales.

Considering that the Penguin Random House page for the Black Mirror book series states:

“This collection will challenge you to see the world in a different—and more disturbing—light. You have been warned. .  .

…we’re pretty sure this won’t be the book we want to read on a dark and lonely night.

Season 4 of Black Mirror on Netflix should be premiering later in 2017, but the first volume of the book series won’t hit stores until February 2018. But we’re OKAY with the wait, since we’re certain the first three seasons and the Jon Hamm-starring Christmas special are enough to keep us up at night for months and months to come.

So get ready to be bundled up in the bitter month of February with a whole new set of stories from the twisted brain of Brooker. Just don’t expect this nighttime reading to keep you warm and fuzzy while you sleep.

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