I binge watched HBOGO for an entire weekend and here’s what happened

It all started when I saw a promo for Issa Rae’s HBO show Insecure. The cable network was offering a preview of the highly anticipated comedy if you signed up for the app, and because I’ve been totally ~obsessed~ with Issa Rae since The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl, the commercial’s bait worked.

And so, I signed up for HBOGO through my cable provider, sacrificing my “no extra packages” soapbox that I had so proudly preached upon the week prior. You see, I’m a moocher — and I say that without a shameful bone in my body. I’m not some two-faced monster who uses people for money and food, or anything. I’m just a poor freelancer with a child, and not enough money for extra luxuries.

I don’t pay for my Netflix, Hulu, Tidal or AppleMusic accounts. My friends and families know my financial status, and graciously share their log-ins with me. Getting cable in the first place was a crazy compromise that I had to make so that my grandmother could finally feel comfortable after uprooting her life in Philly to come help me with my son in LA, so an HBO package was something that I was trying my hardest to refrain from purchasing. My anxiousness got the best of me in that moment, and it burns me to say it. All-in-all, signing up for the app was probably one of the best decisions I’ve made in 2016, and here’s why.


HBOGO is like my gateway drug to all things cable television related. It started with the Insecure preview special, and turned into about 10 movies and three television series watched, from beginning to end. From Friday night to the wee hours of the following Sunday morning, I enjoyed indulging in the television luxuries that I, otherwise, wouldn’t have been able to catch.

Like, Our Brand of Crisis

I mean, HELLO! This movie was AMAZING. The 2015 dramedy is perfect for those of us who don’t really get politics, but want a little behind the scenes look at what it takes to win an election. Spoiler alert: Mudslinging, lying and empty promises helped Bullock’s client grab the winning seat, but in the end, Bullock’s character was the real victor. It’s a must watch, and I recommend that you add it to your watchlist…now!


And, Juno…Because…DUH!

One of my favorite oldie but goodies (I’m totally giving you my age), Juno is just one of those feel good movies that you can’t help but watch over and over. And I watched this movie twice…in a row…in the same weekend…and I’m not ashamed.


Get your Snakes on a Plane on

Again. I’m not ashamed. Snakes on a Plane is one of my favorite so-bad-it’s-good flicks. I just didn’t realize how bad it was until I watched it again 10 years later…


And last, but not least, Strictly Business

Halle Berry is, like, really pretty. She’s been that way since the beginning of time, and although I’ve always admire her looks, it didn’t register just how pretty she was until I watched this classic. The acting was sooooo 1980’s and soooooo terrible, but Halle’s beauty definitely made it worth watching.


To close, HBOGO is definitely worth the extra $15 a month. And it looks like I’ll be a customer for while.

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