Bill Nye hosted an online “telethon” for the National Park Foundation, which is exactly what 2016 needed

So much has already been shared about the difficulties we all endured in 2016. But there were some very positive things that happened this year, too. It may not be easy to remember them all since we are continuing to (understandably) mourn those icons who have been lost. So here’s at least one good thing.

Earlier this year, charismatic science lover and all-around-entertaining guy, Bill Nye, hosted an online telethon for the National Park Foundation.

Mashable helped organize and produce the event. The telethon took place on November 29. But a month later, we can still enjoy everything about the awesome event. And, of course, it’s never too late to donate to our national parks.

Nye explains in the video that he joined the National Park Foundation as a “Centennial Ambassador.” The National Park Service celebrated 100 years of protecting our national parks, which is a major accomplishment.

Knowing that these precious environmental gems are still being actively protected makes us super happy.

It wasn’t just Bill Nye’s charm and enthusiasm that made this “telethon” so special. It was also hosted on Facebook Live as a miniature educational show. Donations were encouraged and happily accepted for the National Park Foundation. But people weren’t just blindly donating to the parks. They were (in typical Science Guy fashion) also learning.

By the end of the show, the viewers would have learned a ton about many of America’s national parks.

And, perhaps even more importantly, they learned what they can do to help protect them in the future.

Leave it to Bill Nye to provide such a heartwarming entertainment during a season when we can really use it.

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