Bill Murray just out-Bill Murrayed himself on ‘Letterman’
David Letterman’s farewell tour of guests and surprises continued last night, when the one and only Bill Murray stopped by for his final appearance on The Late Show. Of course, he made quite an entrance — what else would you expect from a legend like Bill Murray? Rather than walking on stage, Murray burst out of a cake . . . and proceeded to get as many people covered in icing as possible!
Murray’s appearance on the show is kind of a big deal for a few reasons. Murray was not only Letterman’s first guest ever when he took over Last Night in 1982, but also Letterman’s first guest when he moved to the Late Show in 1993. Murray, who is known for not doing interviews is, however, a regular on the talk show circuit, and has always used these TV opportunities to make quirky entrances. Take, for example, his stop at the Late Show back in January, when Murray’s entrance was an elaborate, staged kidnapping. From random costumes to crazy stunts, Murray has done it all on Letterman’s shows over the past three decades.
With his final stop to see Dave, Murray capped a seriously awesome legacy of visits, and his entrance didn’t disappoint. After busting out of a cake, wearing a jumpsuit naturally, he scooped up some frosting to give Dave a very sticky hug. Then it was out to the audience to share icing with a few lucky people who can now say they’ve had cake smeared on them by the man himself! Take that, urban legends who claim Bill Murray ate your fries!
Watch the entrance below! And you can catch the full interview right here!
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