“Big Little Lies” Season 2 is getting four brand new characters — and one of them is probably going to die

Good news for literally everyone on the planet: HBO is making a second season of Big Little Lies. And with this announcement, basically all your holiday shopping is done. Isn’t it the only thing you, and your loved ones, really wanted? More Big Little Lies?
Now that the show has a sequel, it’s time to talk about how the book it’s based off of does not have a sequel. This means, Season 2 of the series will be entirely brand new, and also feature some brand new characters. The world of the Monterey Moms is expanding, and this is amazing.
It’s also probably deadly. In HBO’s announcement, they outright state Season 2 will have the “potential for emotional and bodily injury.” Do you see that? Bodily injury. HBO is outright telling us someone else is going to get metaphorically pushed down a flight of stairs. This is so exciting! And also so scary!
So just who might it be? Vulture got their hands on descriptions for the four brand new characters, which were sent out to talent agents. Though HBO declined to comment on them (come onnnn HBO), here’s who the show is looking to cast for Season 2 — and also prime suspects to meet their end in Monterey:
1. “A new second-grade teacher who wants to cultivate global and social consciousness in his young students. Renata becomes furious when Mr. Perkins’s lessons on global warming causes Amabella to have a panic attack.” OMG x 1 billion.
2. “A new employee in the school administration office who befriends Jane. Eventually, the two women learn about each other’s ‘deepest secrets.’”
3. & 4. Bonnie’s parents. In the book Big Little Lies, we actually learn a little bit more about Bonnie (and just why she was the one to push Perry down the flight of stairs). Season 2 will officially introduce her parents, “Elizabeth is described as someone who has passed on her outwardly Zen qualities to her daughter Bonnie (Zoë Kravitz), but ultimately reveals herself to be controlling and abusive. Martin is emotionally distant toward his daughter, but a family emergency forces him to address the strain between them.”
Will one of these new Monterey residents get on the bad side of Madeline? Should all four of these above characters avoid stairs and Audrey Hepburn parties? Probably. The show is looking to film Season 2 in the spring of 2018, and while this is very exciting, it means we probably won’t see Big Little Lies again until the end of the year, or worse — GASP — 2019. But hey, at least it’s happening. Start dreaming about the show’s soundtrack for Season 2 (and someone’s death).