You must see Beyoncé’s face-swap with her mom on Snapchat… also, Beyoncé has a Snapchat?!

We have already explained to you that Tina Knowles Lawson’s Instagram is the gift that keeps on giving. And over the weekend, Beyoncé’s mother continued to prove her IG supremacy — this time, sharing a face-swap video starring her famous daughter.
In the caption, Miss Tina once again reveals to us ~the purity of her spirit~, detailing the excitement and disbelief she feels while Beyoncé wears her mother’s face and raps the hip-hop classic, “The Message,” by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five:
“Beyonce sent me this. It’s really cool! I have to learn to do this? her face and my face together. Her voice coming out of my mouth. Or maybe it’s her mouth! Hell, I don’t know?Really weird.”
Does this mean the ever-elusive, non-interview granting Queen Bee has a secret Snapchat?!
People are mad speculating.
You may even say a few folks are beside themselves.
And The BeyHive is thoroughly studying for clues.
Until they find what they are looking for.
In her caption, Tina Knowles Lawson swears Slayoncé does not have a Snapchat: “No Snapchat!! Seriously!!”
Twitter begs to differ.
But others have painfully accepted their fate.
We will get through this. In the meantime, appreciate the intergenerational queendom present in Miss Tina’s face-swapping ‘gram.