These are the best (and worst) times to go holiday shopping
For some people, December is a time to relax. After all, they’ve done all of their holiday shopping early, so they’ll be forgoing that last-minute rush to the mall and will instead, I don’t know, marathon holiday movies on cable? For the rest of us, we’ve got our shopping lists and dwindling time to knock them out. Luckily, the folks over at the location-based app Foursquare crunched the data on the best and worst times to go holiday shopping.
For most stores, Saturday is the worst day for shopping, while Monday, Tuesday, and Friday are the best days.
Foursquare’s results are more nuanced than that statement suggests; for example, Saturdays are a bad time to shop for most things, but bookstores tend to be busiest on Sunday noontime. Meanwhile, Thursday night is terrible for grocery shopping.
When it comes to shopping for, say, beauty supplies, Monday noontime is the best time, while Monday evenings are better for going to buy jewelry, clothing, and er, liquor. In general, Foursquare advises hitting up bigger stores as early as possible, and saving specialty shopping for later in the evening.
You can check out the full spread of their data here, just in time for that totally planned holiday shopping trip you still need to schedule. Good gifting!