Best Ways a Young Padawan Can Celebrate May the Fourth
For my May the Fourth, I plan on putting Chewie (my Golden Retriever, Indy Bones) in the front seat of my Millennium Falcon (2009 Ford Escape) and kicking it into hyper drive (just regular drive) to make the Kessel Run (the 10 from Downtown to Santa Monica) in less than 12 parsecs (an unheard of thirty minutes).
If you don’t have plans yet, here are a few suggestions to get you in the spirit.
1. Make Marshmallow Storm Troopers
They can be used to decorate cupcakes, fill-out some smores and aid and abet the forces of darkness.
2. Let Simon Pegg and Nick Frost Help You Relive the Magic
Pegg and Frost have always played best buds and in this College Humor video, they play two of the shiniest best friends that have ever graced the big screen.
3. Get Your Pets In On the Fun
Star Wars characters can be reworked for dogs. They include: YoDOG, ChewBARKa , GreeBONE and Obi-Wan “Take me on a walk now, damn it” Kenobi.
If you feel that the force is strong in you, then use a blindfold and sub out the ol’ baseball bat for a light saber. Find instructions here.
5. Watch All Six Episodes
This will cost you about 13.5 hours. OR if you want to take Jar Jar Binks completely out of your movie-watching experience, read this.
6. Eat Carbonite Jello
Find a recipe here.
7. Lightsabers! Lightsabers, Everywhere!
If the funds allow, there are some really nice lightsabers on the market. Their usefulness can extend beyond the fourth of May. They can be used as a coat rack, a thing to get stuff off of high shelves, a deterrent for intruders and a great conversation starter.
8. Dress For the Occasion
Do you have a prior obligation on May the Fourth? Wedding? Family Reunion? Anniversary? Debutante Ball? No problem, you can still show your alliance in a subtle way.
Get a Star Wars inspired hair bow here.
9. Celebrate with Cellos
The Piano Guys did this Star Wars tribute which features cellos being played using light sabers and an accordion being played by Darth Vader. So… it has everything you didn’t know you wanted but are glad you now have.
10. Send a Star Wars E-Card
You can send away through the official Star Wars website. Last year, I sent one to my mom with Chewbacca on it. She called me and asked, “So, is this like a giant dog? Why does it have a bag? What does a dog need a bag for? What does he carry in it? I don’t get this.” I think she really appreciated the thought, though.
How will you be celebrating this most auspicious of fictitious, intergalactic, unofficial holidays?