Just FYI: This is the best way to not lose your luggage at the airport

The holidays are almost here, and many of us are traveling to see loved ones. For some, that might just be a half-hour drive to the next county, but others may have to hop on a plane and travel hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles. Which is, tbh, a hassle. Airports are stressful, and sitting very close to a stranger is awful. But the fear of your airline losing your luggage is perhaps the most real. Because even if you put a bright ribbon or a name-tag on your luggage, there’s still the possibility of it getting lost. . . along with that iPad you bought your sister. Ugh. But luckily, there’s a solution. . . and it’s a pretty hilarious one at that.

Yesterday, Imgurian jew3lr0se uploaded an image to Imgur of a true genius at work — a man who found the *perfect* way to ensure his luggage is never lost. “Is also a shrine to your former self,” jew3lr0se captioned the shot.

Yep. This mystery man got a customized suitcase with his picture on it.

The post has since been viewed over 2.6 million times, and for a good reason. I mean, think about it. No one could possibly accidentally take your suitcase. There’s no WAY there could be any confusion of you accidentally picking up the wrong bag. It’s crazy noticeable, so it probably wouldn’t get dropped somewhere by airport employees. And we’re pretty sure that even if it somehow got lost, an employee would remember seeing it and know exactly what to look for in a sea of bags.

Plus, well, it’s certainly a conversation starter.

You can purchase one of these bad boys (with your own picture — not this guy’s picture) at LuggagePros.com, for about $150. All you have to do is upload your picture. . .

. . . and voila! You’ve got yourself an unlosable suitcase.

There’s my face, staring you down, like “Don’t you dare lose me!” You can upload your own pic and buy this luggage for $149.99. Sure, it may be a little creepy and shrine-like, but you can bet your sister will get that iPad for Christmas this year — sans airport drama.

(Image via LuggagePros, Imgur, and author.)

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