If you struggle with work-life balance, consider switching to one of these careers
In this job market, we are all desperate for work. But oftentimes, our die hard work ethic clouds our ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Whether you bring job stress into your relationships outside of the workplace, or you are practically always working — going from your part-time, to your second part-time, to your ridesharing gig, etc.
What kinds of careers can we aspire to in hopes of achieving that elusive balance between work and literally everything else in our lives?
Employment recruiting website, Glassdoor, is here to help. Their researchers analyzed employee feedback for all the professions on their site, and created a list of 29 jobs that allow the best work-life balance.
In an interview with Mic, Glassdoor spokesperson, Allison Berry, spoke about the depressing state of self-care among today’s work force, and linked the issue to technology:
"One thing we've noticed is work-life balance is on the decline... Back in 2009, [the average score for all jobs] was 3.5 [out of 5] and in the past few years, it's been lowered to 3.2." She connect the problem to our email inboxes, adding, "People don't feel like they can unplug from their job."
It shouldn't be surprising that the top three jobs for work-life balance all have very high median salaries and require a lot of education.
The best job for good work-life balance is corporate recruiter. That’s the person who works with hiring managers to find new employees and create new roles needed by the company.
Next, we have UX designers, who help develop the interfaces and user experiences on various websites and apps.
The third best job for work-life balance is data scientist. That’s the employee who analyzes company data (and sometimes develops software) in order to help the company devise a plan to be as effective as possible.
Other jobs from the list include mobile developer (c'mon, think of the next big app!), social media manager, library assistant (being around all those books would be peaceful), and substitute teacher.
We all have a right to get that paper while still remembering we are more than our jobs — so here’s to one day finding work that let’s us be healthy and happy.