If you’re in in the job market: These are the best careers in 2017
Looking to make a career change in 2017? You might want to check out U.S. News & World Report’slist of the 100 Best Jobs of 2017. U.S. News writes, “Good jobs are those that pay well, challenge us, are a good match for our talents and skills, aren’t too stressful, offer room to advance and provide a satisfying work-life balance.” The publication ranked it’s compilation of jobs according to “their ability to offer this mix of qualities.”
Of course, there is no one job that suits everyone, and U.S. News is aware of that. The jobs that appear on this list have been scored and ranked by calculating the following measures, Median Salary (30 percent), Employment Rate (20 percent), 10-Year Growth Volume (15 percent), 10-Year Growth Percentage (15 percent), Job Prospects (10 percent), Stress Level (5 percent), and Work-Life Balance (5 percent).
Most of the jobs listed are in the medical and oral health industries. The need for surgeons, dentists and nurse practitioners will always be there. In fact, according to U.S. News, the absolute best job you can have is to be a dentist.
U.S. News reports, "The need for professionals to examine our teeth, fill and – gulp – refill our cavities isn't fading. And because more people want cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening to attain pearly whites, the demand for dentists is growing."
The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an 18% growth in the dental profession between 2014 and 2024 with more than 23,000 new job openings in the field. “A comfortable salary, low unemployment rate and agreeable work-life balance boost dentist to a top position on our list of Best Jobs,” U.S. News says.
Jobs in the technology field are also up there on the list. Software developer ranks #13, computer systems analyst comes in at #8, and IT manager is Best Job #29. Technology is getting better and better as the years go on, so we need people to assist that evolution.
As we continue moving forward in years, specific jobs will climb and fall amongst the ranks. Instead of environmental engineer being #34 on the list, perhaps in the next few years that will be #5. It all depends on the world’s needs at the current time.
Check out the full list to see if your current or dream profession makes the cut. Even if it’s not on the list, if what you’re doing makes you happy, then that’s all that matters!