Well, this is the job perk to beat all job perks

Last week, we found out that Netflix made a major change to its employment policy: New parents are allowed to take “unlimited” maternity and paternity leave. Um, 100% amazing. Although this is probably one of the most fabulous job perks we’ve heard of, a startup in San Francisco has a job perk that’s making it a close tie for Best Place To Work Ever.

The company, called Betabrand, describes itself as a “crowdfunded clothing community” and awesomely includes designs from its own customers and its employees. All designs are only approved, created, and sold after a certain number of customers “approve” it through feedback and agreement to pre-order. Another way to put it: The phrase “the customer is always right” is incredibly literal in the Betabrand world. As if all that isn’t awesome enough, working for Betabrand goes hand in hand with the raddest job perk ever: free vacations that are totally unrelated to work.

Say what?! Yeah, Betabrand is sending their employees all over the world for seemingly no reason. Here’s how it works, according to MarketWatch: Betaworks is able to send their employees on international trips every five to six weeks because the company uses a rewards-friendly credit card to make all of its purchases. The company passes along its rewards to its employees, meaning that the trips cost neither Betaworks or its workers a single penny. Yep, best place to work ever.

Betaworks chief executive and founder Chris Lindland told Marketwatch that the idea was formed in fall 2014 during a company happy hour. When Lindland heard that the majority of his employees had never been out of the country, he decided sending them on trips would be “a good team spirit, fun thing to do.” So Lindland decided to choose a great rewards-based credit card, and the company began the grueling three-month long process of moving all of Betaworks’ expenses to the new credit card. . . all so that their employees could go on fun vacations. Yeah, NBD.

Now, according to Betaworks chief financial officer James Tagliani, the company earns 150,000 to 200,000 miles every five to six weeks. So what do employees have to do? Just “apply” for a trip by explaining where they want to be sent and why, and the founders choose a winner based on the reasoning, as well as the miles they have available. So far, out of a total of less than 60 Betaworks employees, the company has sent six to various locations around the world, including Iceland, Japan, and Morocco. They just announced their seventh trip-winner on Wednesday. One employee went to Ireland to visit her grandmother’s birthplace, while another went to Paris. Oh, and they announce the winners in a fun surprise-like way, much like Oprah surprises her audience, according to Lindland.

Yeah, OK, so we’re super jealous, but also, this is the most brilliant thing we’ve ever heard. Petition for ALL businesses to do this? Please and thank you.

(Image via Flickr)