This comedian has the best comebacks for rude comments

Thank you Buzzfeed for introducing us to Claire Ayoub, the comedian who is rocking our world with her YouTube show “A Series of Comebacks.”

The show answers that age-old question “What do I say to that person who just said the rudest possible thing in the world to me?”

As Ayoub explains in the pilot episode “People say terrible things all the time, and if you’re like me, you think of the perfect comeback three days later, while boarding a plane to Antarctica.”

Ayoub starts off with the classic “If somebody says you look tired” (YES! The perfect rude comment to start with! I usually respond to this by going to my car and weeping into my steering wheel for a solid minute). I will car-cry no more, because Ayoub has given me the PERFECT comeback for this super-mean and pretty flipping sexist comment.

So, the next time someone tells me I “look tired,” I’m going to flash them a Mona Lisa smile and, just like Ayoub told me, explain that “It’s exhausting being a badass b*tch.”

Episode 1 of the series below, and check out the rest of the series here.

And if YOU need a comeback, just tweet your question to @intoosteep along with the hashtag #aseriesofcomebacks.

Thank you Claire Ayoub, for bringing out the badass b*tch in all of us!

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