Benedict Cumberbatch starred in a toilet ad on SNL last night and made pooping look cool

Benedict Cumberbatch. Benedict Cumberbatch. That’s fun to say. Benedict Cumberbatch. The coolest thing out of the UK since Doctor Strange, Cumberbatch can make ANYTHING look cool. Cumberbatch, in an epic sketch on SNL, even makes pooping look cool.

In a spoof on the legendary best-commercial-of-all-time, Apple’s 1984 Macintosh ad, which was itself a satire of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, a bleak hall of unhappy toilet sitters watch their overlord on a screen before them.

The overlord tells them that there is only one approved way to sit on the toilet.

As they all meekly obey, Cumberbatch (a.k.a. our Sorcerer Supreme, the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats like boring toilets) powerwalks to their rescue.

He unveils a sleek toilet design from the future, the likes of which has never been seen before.

Benedict Cumberbatch unzips his pants.

Then, Cumberbatch sits on the toilet backward. Straddling it the way really cool people do with chairs. This is the only way to sit if you’re cool, or want to be cool.

Of course, the toilet is from Kohler.

Check out some of their actual, way-cool totally weird toilet designs.

One of them is $6400.

We wonder how long it will be before Kohler designs a Benedict Cumberbatch Koohl Toilet, for real.

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