Benedict Cumberbatch has a secret cameo in this music video

Benedict Cumberbatch’s face is, in a word, striking. He’s rightly put his looks to good use in performances as wide-ranging as Julian Assange in The Fifth Estate and Alan Turing in The Imitation Game. Now, his unmistakable mug makes an appearance in quite an unexpected place.
The British rock band Elbow put out a video for their song “Gentle Storm,” and Cumberbatch is one of its many featured faces.
The video is an homage of this Godley & Creme 1985 video for the song “Cry.” As far as video homages go, it’s pretty faithful:
This is partially because, well, both videos have the same director, Kevin Godley. And as striking as the “Cry” video was for its time, it and the treatment for “Gentle Storm” are sobering in our times now:
As we begin to feel the unmitigated effects of letting rampant misdirection and willful misinformation split up our communities, it’s worth remembering to celebrate instead of shun our differences. It’s kind of a corny sentiment, but it isn’t to say something like “We’re all the human race :)” at the end, either. I think it was something like hypnosis, watching these disparate features come together, even if just in the service for a moment of art.