Ben Affleck just addressed those Batman rumors, mentions like 15 times “I’m Batman”

A mere 24 hours before the annual Warner Bros. Hall H panel at Comic-Con, word got out that our current Batman might not be our Batman forever.

Supposedly, Warner Bros. is seriously considering either slowly phasing out or replacing Ben Affleck as the caped crusader. Affleck has already appeared in one DC Extended Universe movie (and sent an email in another one), and will reprise his role later this year in Justice League. He’a also supposed to get his own stand-alone Batman trilogy. All of this is currently up in the air as Warner Bros. figures out what to do with their future Justice League plans, and the Batman movies (there’s still no script, and Affleck — who was supposed to direct the movie — was recently replaced by War for Planet of the Apes’ Matt Reeves).

All of this happening the day before you’re going to stand in front of 6,000+ fans in Hall H as Batman? Not awkward at all for Affleck.

During the Warner Bros. panel, Mr. Oscar Winner for Good Will Hunting did not dance around these rumors at all, and told the audience he’s Batman. He actually told the audience he’s Batman multiple times, like when he said:

"Let me be very clear, I am the luckiest guy in the world. Batman is the coolest part in the universe. I’m so thrilled to do it. It’s fucking amazing.

He then he said:

 “'[The heads of Warner Bros. Kevin Tsujihara and Sue Kroll said] we want you to be the Batman’ they told me and I believe them."

And then he said:

"[I love] being in Hall H and being able to say, 'I’m Batman.'

And like, okay Ben, we get it. You’re Batman. His comments to the crowd sure seem like he’s going to be Batman for the foreseeable future, but you just never know what’s going to happen next in Gotham.