A beloved “Grey’s Anatomy” character is coming back — but there’s a catch

Grey’s Anatomy character is coming back into our lives and our televisions! Dr. George O’Malley is finally making his way back to TV.

Okay, technically Dr. O’Malley isn’t coming back to Grey’s, but T.R. Knight is coming back to ShondaLand, and that’s really important and exciting.


The actor has landed a mystery recurring role on season two of The Catch. No details about his character have been announced, but when executive producer Allan Heinberg revealed the news in a statement, he said the role was “created and written especially for him.” So obviously it’ll be amazing.

“This has been a thrilling secret to keep,” The Catch executive producer Shonda Rhimes said. “One of my favorite family members is home!”

This news isn’t just exciting, it’s a huge relief. After Knight asked to be let out of his $14 million Grey’s contract three years early in 2009, rumors spread about a feud between the actor and Rhimes. Knight blamed his exit on a “breakdown in communication” with Rhimes and told EW“There just comes a time when it’s so clear that moving on is the best decision.”

It may have been the best decision at the time, but we’re really happy to hear that Knight will once again be a part of the ShondaLand family. Now we just need him to never leave us again please.
