#BellyJelly is the newest body positive trend, and we’re here for it
Body-positivity has been on the rise for a while, and the Internet is taking notice. For many people, body-positivity is a work in progress — the idea of wearing a two-piece at the beach or taking their shirt off at the gym is enough to keep them at home. But some people are taking to social media to tackle some of their insecurities with a community of support behind them.
Movemeant, a body-positive organization that uses exercise to promotes self-esteem to women, are using their newest video to show women how to embrace their #BellyJelly as a totally normal body movement.
For those wondering, #BellyJelly refers to the way your stomach moves when you are jogging because you're, you know, A HUMAN.
The organization just released this beautiful video on the subject of owning your #BellyJelly:
What’s refreshing about the video is the wide variety of body shapes and sizes feature. Usually, #fitspo imagery is reserved for people with chiseled abs or perfectly proportioned bodies. But Movemeant doesn’t believe in that narrow representation.
The video itself showcases women who are visibly self-conscious and don't have the perfect bodies... and that's perfectly okay.
If you need some motivation to get a boost of your own body-positivity, check out the #BellyJelly video above. It might be just what you need to get yourself moving and loving everything your body can do!