Bella Thorne Snapchatted her first ever bikini wax, and we feel her pain

What you do with your vagina is totally up to you. But if you watch this Snapchat video of Bella Thorne’s first bikini wax, you might reconsider waxing if you’ve never done it before. Even if you wax on the regular, this will make you think about upping the aspirin (or brunch mimosa intake) before your next appointment. It’s uncomfortable to watch, to say the least. But also very brave!

Thorne, who stars in the new Freeform show Famous in Love, brought her friend and her phone into the waxing room with her. With a red scribble covering up her pubic area, she documents the whole process, squeals and all, on Snapchat with the caption, “first time getting waxed.

"It hurts so bad," Thorne tells her friend.

Although she’s laughing the whole time, you can tell she’s feeling it. Instead of just awkwardly yelping out with each strip and apologizing to the esthetician, Thorne was pretty smart to bring a friend in to share the experience. If it’s going to hurt, you might as well have a friend laughing at your suffering. It makes it better all around. After she gets her bikini line waxed, she makes her friend get one, too. That’s what you get for laughing, Best Friend.

Thorne is never one to shy away from filming her agony. Earlier in the day, she Snapchatted a black head extraction that was pretty gross. It must have been a Beauty Day. But in the past, she’s taken videos of getting a tattoo, a facial peel, getting her septum pierced, and having her eyebrows microbladed. A bikini wax (though it sounded more like a Brazilian TBH) was the natural evolution of these videos.

If you have it in you, you can watch the whole video here.

Ah, it hurts just to look. If it starts to hurt, Bella, try a Neosporin cream or some aloe on it. It gets better.

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