Beauty vlogger Patrick Starrr gave a surprise beauty makeover and it will melt your heart

We love surprise makeovers, and we LOVE beauty vlogger Patrick Starrr, so this story about one given by the makeup guru himself is extra special. Get your tissue box ready because we’re all going to need to fix our faces after how much this made us tear up!

Patrick was the passenger in an Uber driven by April Hart a little over a year ago and the two instantly bonded over makeup. April has a business called Hart to Hqeart Cleaning, and Patrick set up a ruse in which she was coming in to clean for a client. April showed up ready to get to work, and was surprised to learn that a glam squad was waiting in the wings with a beauty makeover from Starrr.


We love how warm and genuine the entire experience is. It’s so inspiring to see what a little makeup magic can do for confidence and self esteem.


April wore not only a wig, but a custom wig, for the very first time while she got her nails done. Then Patrick “beat her face,” bringing out her beautiful eyes.


That is a true super power of a makeup artist — to find their clients best feature and enhance their natural beauty.


Watch the makeover for yourself!

Total waterworks, and we weren’t the only ones!


The makeover was sponsored by CVS, Torrid, and KMart. We are so happy for April and her Christmas gifts!

Check out Patrick’s original makeover — his own! Starr says, “MAKEUP IS A ONE SIZE FITS ALL,” and with that, you can do anything. It’s true! The power of products is beyond emotional sometimes. A fierce face can breed a fierce attitude.

Anyone can truly be a Starrr!

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