Beauty Bloggers Dish on Their Best DIY Tips!

Everyone loves a good DIY beauty tip or two, so we’ve consulted some our favorite beauty bloggers on some of the tips they can’t live without. From life-saving acne busters to a volumizing hair masks, turn to these unheard of beauty tips with ingredients you probably have inside your kitchen.

Get Voluminous Hair With Aly Walansky: Beauty Blogger Behind

“Try using mayo as a hair mask (I feel like that’s common knowledge at this point). You can also take beer and egg yolks and do a fabulous hair treatment. This is especially good during times of year when your hair is feeling fried, dull, drab. Create a mixture: full fat beer – none of that light stuff – and egg yolks, and let marinate in your hair a half hour or so before rinsing – incredible for shine!

Honey Works Wonders For Alexis Wolfer, Beauty Editor Behind The Beauty Bean

“One of my favorite DIY beauty tips is to keep raw honey on hand. It’s antibacterial, so a dabbing on a blemish or cut will help it heal pronto! It’s also a humectant, so adding some to your favorite night cream will increase the hydration!, and extremely soothing, making it perfect for soothing irritated skin. Just be sure it’s organic and raw (it should be opaque and creamy looking) to garner the benefits.”

Beat Those Zits With Jamie Stone, Blogger Behind Queen of the Quarter Life Crisis

“For those times you’re traveling and suddenly realize you have a zit, I make sure to always carry Advil Liqui-Gels. Aspirin is known to be a common way to fight a random breakout, but personally, I like the gel form better. I just open an Advil gel capsule and apply it right onto the zit. It’s almost always smaller and less red in an hour.”

Brighten Up Your Grey With Ty Alexander, Blogger Behind Gorgeous In Grey  

“To keep your grey hair shiny, mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide, water and your favorite conditioner in a spray bottle. Spray clean, damp, non-conditioned hair with the mixture. Comb through the hair with a wide-toothed comb or pick. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing. Repeat once a week to prevent buildup”

Make Your Own Toner With Jen Matthews, Blogger Behind My Beauty Bunny

“My favorite DIY is an acne buster! Just mix cooled green tea with apple cider vinegar (4:1 ratio). Spritz on or use as a toner. Mix with bentonite clay for a fabulous acne mask. Keep it in the fridge for about a week and then make a new batch to ensure freshness.”

Get Natural Shine With Adrienne and Stephanie Vendetti: Bloggers Behind How To Be A Redhead

“To keep our hair healthy naturally, we always use olive oil if products aren’t within reach. It’s a great DIY tip to keep red hair beautiful!”

Make Your Own Lip Color With Amanda Raye, Blogger Behind

“I use beet juice as a lip stain! It stays on for hours and gives my lips a pretty berry color. It’s also chemical free!”