This beauty vlogger had to learn to apply makeup again after a tragic accident, and her story is inspiring

Jordan Bone is one of our favorite beauty vloggers — not just because her tutorials are amazing and we learn how to do complex makeup looks from her in seemingly no time, but also because she has a super inspiring story. She’s quadriplegic, which means she has partial loss of all four limbs and her torso, as a result of a car accident she was in 10 years ago. When she posts videos to her YouTube account, she often gets questions about her hands, so she decided to address these questions in a video titled “My Beautiful Struggle.”


The video now has nearly six million views, and has gotten an overwhelmingly positive response from her viewers. Here are some of the comments she’s gotten from her fans over the last few months:




In the video, she talks about how hard it was to teach herself to use makeup again after the accident, and lets fans see just how far she’s come to get to where she is today. She demonstrates just how hard it was for her to apply mascara when she started learning how to apply makeup again, and you can see where she got the name for her video.


Jordan is incredibly inspiring, and we love her videos so much. You can watch the full “My Beautiful Struggle” video below, and find the rest of her YouTube channel here:

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