Say bonjour to the final trailer for “Beauty and the Beast”

Madames and monsieurs, with roughly a month and a half to go, the final trailer for Beauty and the Beast is here. If you like far off places, daring swordfights, magic spells, and princes in disguise, then oh Gaston, is this the movie for you.

This trailer give us a good look at just about every character — both living, and inanimate object! — that we’re going to meet in the movie. The trailer also sets up the general plot, like as if you haven’t watched the 1991 animated movie hundreds of times:  Belle, who’s got her nose stuck in a book, dreams of something more, and she gets it when she winds up face to face with the Beast. In order to break his enchanted spell, and turn him human again, he’s going to have to learn how to love.

But who could ever learn to love a beast?

We also get a much better look at Emma Watson’s life in a little town as Belle. So petite. Then there’s Dan Stevens’ Prince, who has so far mostly grunted through all the trailers. Not anymore. Now he’s making jokes about the fact he can’t read Greek. Yeah, he’s a keeper — even if he is totally flawed with a bit of a temper and isn’t quite sure how to eat soup.


Also, major bonus: We’re treated to the first tease of Ariana Grande and John Legend’s duet, “Beauty and the Beast.” If those first few notes with ?tale as old as time? don’t give you chills, nothing will.

So sit back, relax, watch this trailer hundreds of times, because soon the dining room will proudly present your dinner this feature presentation. Beauty and the Beast hits theaters on March 17th.

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