Barbie’s hella fashionable Instagram account is getting turned into a book
The world is a very strange place. Like, did you know Barbie has an Instagram account? She does, and it’s the strangest mix of Goop and Lauren Conrad’s timelines. A Memorial Day post, for example, has Barbie in an oversized sweater shopping for rainbow Swiss chard and watermelon. It’s hypnotizing. Now, Barbie’s style Instagram is going to be a book. A lot of thought goes into Barbie’s style and those Instagram posts, so now you’ll be able to keep them forever and ever.
Despite whatever opinion you might have about Barbie, her style is iconic. It’s all been designed by Robert Best, who was working for Isaac Mizrahi 20 years ago when he decided to send his resume to Mattel. And he’s been designing for the original fashion queen Barbie’s ever since.
The new book, called The Art of @barbiestyle is available now at Assouline for $50, so you have to really love Barbie to splurge. But it’s worth it just to admire all of Barbie’s ridiculous clothes. Of course, Best knows that some her clothes don’t exactly make sense (much like her body proportions).
Barbie’s style is iconic, though totally impractical.
He told Fashionista, “What’s great about designing for Barbie is that there are no limitations. You can do anything, I think.”
Best also said, “The big difference between doing ready-to-wear for adults and designing for a doll is that when you’re designing for people, you have all these practical things that you have to think about, like are the clothes comfortable? Can they survive a rainstorm? Is this something a woman can move in? With Barbie, you don’t have to care about any of that.”
Check some of these out.
She’s very fancy!
Barbie’s Instagram is meant to make you roll your eyes a little bit. Best said of the social media account, “The fact that it’s a doll, of course there’s a little bit of humor there. It’s hard to not like it, because it’s just funny and happy. In a time when there’s a lot of crazy in the world, I think this is a fun way to break through that’s not offending anyone.”
He has a point. With all of the terrible things being reported on in your social media feeds, who doesn’t want to stop and see what Barbie and her friends (including Gigi Hadid) are wearing today? There are much worse things you can do on Instagram.