Barack Obama picked this Lizzo track as one of his favorite songs of the year, and #relatable

Call him what you will: Former President, America’s father, Barry, Please Come Back We Miss You—Barack Obama is one of the coolest politicians we know. Obama shared his top songs of 2019, and like all of our top song lists, Lizzo makes an appearance right at the top.

"From hip-hop to country to The Boss, here are my songs of the year," Obama tweeted on December 30th. "If you’re looking for something to keep you company on a long drive or help you turn up a workout, I hope there’s a track or two in here that does the trick."

And who is that in the number four slot? Yup, that’s Lizzo and her track “Juice.” The star next to the track name means that this song was also included on Obama’s summer playlist. And let’s be real, if “Juice” wasn’t on your summer 2019 playlist, you did summer wrong.

Obama also included Frank Ocean, the sisters Knowles, Maggie Rogers, and Bruce Springsteen on his list.

So, if anyone had any doubt that Obama has good taste in music, he’s here to confirm that he absolutely does.

Prior to his December 30th tweet, Obama also shared his favorite movies, television shows, and books of 2019. He gave high praise to Booksmart, Little Women, and Fleabag (the second season). (Barack, you’re invited to our Booksmart re-watching viewing party anytime.) He also recommended we read The Yellow House by Sarah M. Broom and Trust Exercise by Susan Choi.

If you want to give Obama’s fave songs a listen before ringing in 2020 later tonight, check out Spotify’s “Barack Obama’s Songs of the Year” playlist and jam out.

We’ll be imagining that we’re listening with Obama while playing through these tracks. If only…

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