How a Brooklyn bar is using tabs to protest the sexist wage gap
The wage gap is a problem. Indeed, the wage gap is a HUGE problem and (as more and more people realize just how real it is) it’s one that has been getting increased mainstream attention.
What is the wage gap? It’s the fact that on average, women make just 77% of what a man makes based on full-time employment numbers and compensation. This, of course, keeps many women at an economic disadvantage. In laymen’s terms: Women are still being paid less than men for doing the same work. While President Obama and other political leaders have called for action to close the gap, nothing concrete has been done to change the status quo.
Well, one Brooklyn bar is taking matters into their own hands, at least for one night. To protest the fact that women still make 77 cents to every dollar a man makes, female visitors to Brooklyn’s the Way Station bar on July 7th, will only have to pay 77% of their bar tab. The Prospect Heights bar, which is built around a Doctor Who theme, is taking 7/7 to protest the wage gap, which they call, “some shameful s***.”
They want to, “level the playing field, even if it’s just for one night,” according to the owner of the bar. “Women deserve better. Recognizing this discrepancy is just a start.”
The wage gap, has far reaching implications and basically just keeps this whole gender inequality thing way too prevalent. And although 77% is the most commonly referenced number when talking about income inequality, women of color face an even greater wage gap (we’re talking 69% of a man’s earnings). As this graphic from the US Labor Department shows, acting on the wage gap means tackling a whole host of issues that keep women from reaching their full economic potential.
Although a day of cheaper drinks won’t help too much (besides, of course, letting us drown the sorrow of living under a glass ceiling), it’s still a really cool way to bring attention to the problem. It’s also a great way to highlight just how much 23% is in terms of money female earners aren’t making. Thanks, Way Station, for coming up with an innovative “Ladies Night” to highlight such a serious issue!
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[Image via FOX]