Bambi, Thumper play together IRL. Internet collectively melts.
Whatever you are doing right now can wait. It’s time to watch a real-life Bambi and Thumper play the cutest game of tag you have ever seen in your life. These two adorable besties were spotted outside of the Lula W. Dorsey Museum in Estes Park, Colorado, and fortunately a couple named Steve and Vicky Johnsen had their cell phone nearby to capture the moment and share the video with local news station 9 News KUSA. According to museum staffers, these two actually hang out together A LOT. Dying.
The baby deer (who still has all his little white spots and is killing me softly with his sweetness) and the jumpy bunny chase each other around, hop in each other’s general direction, and boop noses. Why? Because Bambi was apparently a totally accurate depiction of rabbit-deer friendship.
The two played for about half an hour, but the video below is only a minute or so long. Perfect break for this Wednesday morning!
(Image via Disney )