Bad news, Hugh Jackman won’t be in “Deadpool” after all

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Hugh Jackman may never play Wolverine ever again. Like, ever. In an interview with HuffPost, the actor revealed some bad news to his fans about appearing in Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds.

“It’s sorta out of my hands because I’m an actor who’s played Wolverine. I’m out, he said, “But if I was running the studio and someone else was playing Wolverine...

The only way that Hugh Jackman would come back as Wolverine is if he has a chance to meet the Avengers.

But fans, directors, and actors are pretty sure that’s never going to happen.

The director of Logan said, “The reality for me is I’ve made two Wolverine movies in a row, so you’re talking to a guy who’s actually ready to direct Hugh Jackman in something else.”

Jackman has been playing the iconic role for the last seventeen years. After the bittersweet outcome of Logan, we are curious as to where the story will go in the future.

Reynolds has been vocal about his hope for a collaboration between the two characters.

However, Jackman said, “I knew two and a half years ago that this was the last one.”

Sorry to all the Wolverine fans out there. It doesn’t seem like we will be seeing him in the near future.