This might be bad news for Chipotle lovers

Chipotle might be one of our delicious favorites, but the chain has had a rough run lately. After being linked to a break out of norovirus in Southern California back in August, our favorite burrito builders are now getting heat for the high number of Salmonella cases in Minnesota.

Local health officials found that at least 45 Minnesota residents, mostly men, between the ages of 15 and 67 had been infected with Salmonella Newport. Of those who contracted the illness, only two hadn’t eaten at Chipotle between the dates of Aug 16 and Aug 26. Those who had been unlucky enough to fall ill started showing symptoms between August 20 to 29. Of course, this isn’t conclusive proof that Chipotle is to blame for the Salmonella cases; all it proves for sure is that, aside from Salmonella, another thing most of the patients have in common is a love for burritos.

What exactly are the symptoms of Salmonellosis? Well, it’s a whole lot of unpleasantness. It’s like food poisoning times a hundred, and usually goes away on its own, but five of the patients studied had been hospitalized. Yikes. However, since the symptoms can just feel like really bad food poisoning, it’s likely that many others contracted it, waited it out and never reported Salmonella poisoning. If you’re in the area and these symptoms sound familiar, health officials are urging you to come forward, to help them get to the bottom of the source.

In order to leave this ickyness behind, health officials have teamed up with the state’s agriculture department to investigate the produce and ingredients found in the suspected restaurants. Chipotle is one step ahead of them. The company has already changed their produce and are taking steps to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Which is good, because I don’t think I’m ready to say goodbye to my burrito bowl.

(Image via Ken Wolter /