This “Bad Moms” trailer makes being a bad mom look SO fun

Being a parent is hard. I mean, I don’t have any kids yet, but based on all the things parents have to do for their kids (everything?), it seems like a lot of work. Especially if you’re trying to be the “perfect” parent. Which, by the way, I’m pretty sure doesn’t exist.
The Bad Moms trailer makes being a “bad” mom seem like a much better option, and actually really liberating and fun.
Amy (Mila Kunis) has a seemingly perfect life — a great marriage, perfect kids, a beautiful home and a career. But looks can be deceiving, because Amy is super tired of feeling over-commited, over-worked, and like she has to pretend to be the best parent ever. So she joins forces with two of her friends (Kristen Bell and Kathryn Hahn), and they decide to forgo the perfect mom scenario, and focus on being bad moms. And of course they’re hilarious while doing it.
The new comedy was written by the writers of The Hangover, so it’s already clear that we’re in for a good time.
Check out the trailer: