Twitter’s newest hashtag is #BadIdeaInFiveWords and there are some GOOD ones

Twitter hashtags are a great tool for spreading ideas and drawing attention to important issues. But every once and a while, Twitter decides to have some fun. Today, the hashtag #BadIdeaInFiveWords took off, and such a simple idea led to some truly hilarious results.

Some still used the hashtag to raise awareness about current issues, like Kesha’s performance at the Billboard Awards: false

Others appealed to certain groups, like book lovers: false false

Or animal lovers: false false

Some got truly outrageous: false

Whereas others highlighted those everyday bad ideas we’re all familiar with: false false false false false

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this hashtag, it’s that even though we’ve all had our fair share of bad ideas, we’re definitely not alone. Not reading these all day? Now that’s definitely a #BadIdeaInFiveWords.

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