11 wild, outrageous, and NSFW answers from the brand new “The Bachelorette” contestants

The 31 men who will vie for lovely, intelligent, fan favorite Rachel Lindsay’s heart (and roses) when The Bachelorette returns to ABC on Monday, May 22nd, have been announced, and with the casting news comes contestant biographies!

Most are usually pretty standard — there’s usual talk about the horror that is dating apps, and quirky details about past relationships — but there’s always some answers that stand out for the wrong reason. We’re talking explicit details about unconventional sexual acts (there’s one involving actual fire here) as well as other bizarre experiences.

With that, here are 11 wild, outrageous, NSFW answers from this season’s Bachelorette contestants:[/header]



Age: 28
Occupation: Information Systems Supervisor

What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? Ate a live salamander.


Age: 26
Occupation: Education Software Manager

If you were stranded on a desert island, what would it be made of? Probably those flesh-eating plants from Life of Pi.


Age: 31
Occupation: Aspiring Drummer

I hate it when my date…tells me about her cats.

[Editor’s Note: This is just offensive.]


Age: 30
Occupation: Firefighter

What’s the wildest thing you’ve done in the bedroom? Caught a girl’s hair on fire once while having sex. And also: How would you describe yourself as a lover? A fresh drink of water with a jolt of lightning.


Age: 30
Occupation: Executive Recruiter

Do you like being the center of attention, or do you prefer being more mysterious and why? I won’t lie, I love attention… not like ’07 B. Spears attention or 2011 Sheen. Natural attention like when Justin and Brit wore those incredible denim outfits. And also: Do you have any pets and if so, what kind? No pets but when I’m married with children I will own a pet lion and name him, “Denzel, the lion.”


Age: 31
Occupation: Senior Inventory Analyst

Tell us a fun story about a one night stand. I spent all day with this girl and she ended up coming home with me and we had sex. She then received a text saying her brother was missing, so I played asleep so I didn’t have to help!


Age: 29
Occupation: Emergency Medicine Physician

What is your most embarrassing moment? I once had a stomach bug in Peru and had to defecate in a cut open 2-liter coke bottle in the back of a tour bus.


Age: 35
Occupation: ER Physician

What is the craziest place you’ve had sex? Just off the continental divide on a glacier in the mountains.


Age: 35
Occupation: Professional Wrestler

Ever have trouble in the bedroom? Or been turned on during the wrong time? We want to hear what happened! There was about two weeks when I first started dating my ex that I was Quick Draw McGraw.


Age: 31
Occupation: Hotel Recreation Supervisor

What do you hope to get out of participating in this television show? Real answer? Discovered. Everyone tells me I’m made for TV/movies. Doesn’t mean I’m out here hoping for that, but I would like to break into writing or acting.

[Editor’s Note: At least he’s forthcoming?]


Age: 26
Occupation: Product Manager

What’s the wildest thing you’ve done in the bedroom? One word: Tabasco.

Welp. Here’s wishing Rachel the best of luck finding The One!