Here’s why this guy celebrated a whole bachelor party weekend alone

Don’t you hate it when friends bail on you at the last second? Sometimes it’s for totally justifiable reasons, like when their flight gets canceled. Then they’re stuck at one location, you’re already at the destination, and… now what? You could be sad and mope around about it until your friends arrive, or make the most of it. Or you could do both.

That’s exactly what Robert Chernow did this past weekend. He hopped on a plane to Chicago to join a bachelor party for one of his good friends. While Chernow made it to Chicago, every one else — including the soon-to-be groom – wound up with canceled flights due to bad weather. Finding himself suddenly all alone in Chicago, without any of his friends to partake in the bachelor party festivities with him, Chernow decided to do all of them anyway. By himself.

Chernow started posting pictures to his Instagram with himself… and well, himself, having fun all over Chicago. At first, his profile was private. But, as he told BuzzFeed, his friends encouraged him to make it public so now we can all share in Chernow’s bachelor party for one. And we are so glad he did.

With the hashtag #chicagoforone, Chernow’s story spread across the Internet — and Chicago. The nice Chicagoans made him feel loved and welcomed in their great city, even though many commented that he looked a little bit lonely.

Don’t worry, this story has a happy ending. Eventually the groom made it to Chicago and Chernow saved some fun for him.

Chernow also told BuzzFeed that his solo bachelor party has gained enough attention, that the now condensed real party has been offered awesome things like a walk onto Wrigly Field. So see? Sometimes things work out for the best. This is certainly a bachelor party the whole wedding party will never forget — and Chernow might insist on being the last to arrive at the party from now on.

(Image via Instagram.)