Baby Names: Kanye and Kim Edition
Let me be the first to tell you: Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are having a child together. Clear the rest of your day’s schedule, because this is all you should be focused on. Since you’re hearing this for the first time right now, let it sink in for a minute.
You back? Let’s start speculating. I’m not worried about where the baby was conceived, what their exes think of the situation, whether they’ll get married or not or any of that gossipy stuff; I just want to know what this kid’s name is going to be. Two of the most self-obsessed celebrities on the planet are having a kid together, and if you don’t think they’re going to give it a wacko name, you should probably just delete your Twitter account now because your thoughts don’t count. Here’s are some names from Kanye and Kim’s baby name book:
Kanye+Kimberly=Kanberly. It’s simple mathematics.
Easy but in all seriousness, this is probably what the name will be. It’s just too perfect.
Endorsement name! Free money!
I’ve been waiting and waiting for a celebrity couple to name their child LOL. LOL Kardashian-West has a ring to it. In fact, it’s already trending.
Alpha Centauri
Kanye likes space, and Alpha Centauri sounds DOPE.
There’s a Kanye lyric that goes, “Only *person I got respect for is Wiz,” and then he continues by rapping about how he fell in love with Kim. If there’s any way to make this relationship more of a circus, it’s by naming their baby Wiz. Do it! Let’s have some fun! *Kanye did NOT use the word “person”, there but I’m not going Django Unchained on this piece.
Lil Armenia
Kanye is a rapper and Kim is a proud Armenian, so this name is perfect.
This is another easy one but since there’s a 98% chance that this will happen, it would be irresponsible to exclude it from the list.
Del Taco
According to a great story from comedian, Steve Agee’s act, Kanye LOVES Del Taco. A lot of people name their children after things they love so this makes complete sense.
A one letter name: simple, powerful and easy to remember.
This is just wishful thinking, but wouldn’t it be the best? Baby Frank Kardashian-West.
This would be a pretty weird name, wouldn’t it?
I Gotta Testify, Come Up In The Spot Lookin Extra Fly
Would Kanye really name his child after a Kanye lyric? Sure he would.
Drake would have a fit but that doesn’t mean they won’t do it.
This would be an amusing and misguided slap in the face.
Another fun endorsement name. Keep the baby in the E! family.
Pronounced “Terry.”
Khloe & Lamar
It’s customary in some cultures to name a child after a relative or important person in the child’s life. Why not take the name of two relatives, which is also the name of an amazing television series, and name the child after that? Works for me.
The Pope
Why not?
Thor, Hulk, Iron Man (or any of the other Avengers)
This baby is going to be born into a world that we can’t possibly imagine. Riches and power beyond our wildest dreams. This baby is going to fly high. You know who that sounds like? THE AVENGERS.
This would just be hilarious, and it makes perfect sense to me.
That was just the tip of the iceberg of possible Kanye and Kim baby names. So many more! ($teven$$, G.O.O.D B.A.B.Y., TayTay Swift, Peanut, Yung Kan, Knuckle and the list goes on) But in the great words of Mr. West, “I’ma let you finish.”
Featured image via Fox News