Autumn lovers, you’re going to be a huge fan of the new Cheerios flavor

While most of you are probably thinking of all things summer — like the beach, sunscreen, new sandals and refreshing watermelon beverages that may or may not be spiked — we have some news that skips right over all of that. Because it’s never too early to prepare your minds and taste buds for the seasonal tastes of Autumn. Specifically, Autumn’s most famous (or infamous, depending on your feelings) taste: pumpkin spice.
What we’re about to tell you is important, because we want you to remember that once summer is over, pumpkin spice season will immediately begin, and life will be good again.
So here it is — Cheerios are being pumpkin spiced! It’ll be like Honey Nut Cheerios, but less Honey Nut and more Pumpkin Spice (AKA nutmeg and cinnamon, probably). As most pumpkin spice items go, the new Pumpkin Spice Cheerios will only be available for a limited time.
The novelty Cheerios are being introduced to help boost sales for General Mills. The cereal industry has been losing steam as people haven’t been eating as much cereal for breakfast. Sales of original 75-year-old Cheerios have dropped 18% since 2010, according to Bloomberg.
Pumpkin Spice Cheerios will be the second short-run Cheerios flavor to be sold this year — the first being Strawberry Cheerios, which are on shelves now.
So when you’re feeling glum about summer being almost over (even though it hasn’t even begun), just remember that soon you’ll have access to all things pumpkin spice. Or at least, pumpkin spice Cheerios.