
Student Posts (Totally Not Racist) Video Listing Racist Reasons He’d Hate to Be Asian

Samuel Hendrickson, an alleged college student from Indiana, posted a video on Facebook the other…


Boston Fraternity Raises Money for Transgendered Brother’s Surgery

We don’t often hear heartwarming stories come from college fraternities, but this past month Emerson…


Boundaries Pushed: An Israeli Soldier’s Instagram Account

People will always push boundaries, regardless of the venue. Comedians push boundaries daily, but it’s…


85th Academy Awards HelloGiggles Live Blog

We here at HelloGiggles love movies, fashion, and celebs – when that all gets mixed…


What Does The Future Hold For Viral Video Child Stars?

There are certain videos you see and almost immediately know that they are going to…


Surprise! Unfriending People On Social Media Has Real-Life Consequences

I walked into the living room recently to see my younger son (he’s seven) with…


All is Fraud with Love in Florida

Changing your last name after marriage is something women have been doing for hundreds of…


Playing Tag, Staying Young


The Sunday Assembly: London’s First Atheist Church

Sunday mornings are usually a time for sleeping in, brunch, and in some circles, it’s…


Can We Trust Lance Armstrong Again?

“Lance Armstrong is an idiot.” I keep hearing this statement over and over and admittedly…


Don’t Stop Beylievin’ and 6 Other Headlines Coming Out of the Beyonce Lip-Syncing ‘Scandal’

When I say “coming out of the Beyonce Lip-Synching ‘Scandal’”, I mean I made most…


Reclaiming The Word ‘Faggot’

I pretty much ignored the entire Azealia Banks/Perez Hilton incident that happened this past weekend…


Ways to Help Newtown by Helping Others

I was working when I heard of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut two weeks ago….


How To Get Banned From A Talk Show: A Primer

In seven easy-to-follow steps, you can be banned from talk shows like a real celebrity….


How Far Would You Go to Get Revenge?

I can’t imagine one would be unfamiliar with the show Revenge, but here’s a quick…


How To Get Real In Your Cover Letter

I have been unemployed for a year now. I was laid off last June and…


How Sliming Your Kids Can Make The Best Memories

I think back to when I was a child and the memories that almost always…


Being My Own Sugar Daddy

My mother, like many mothers past, present, and future, is always there with sage bits…