
Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot To Tell Me About Leaving DC

When I landed in DC on that hot August day in 2006, I never thought…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot To Tell Me About Dating

Writing about dating in February is so cliche. I fought the good fight with myself…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot To Tell Me: Holiday Season

West Wing holiday episodes are not for the faint of heart. They aren’t the usual…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot to Tell Me: Career Women Edition

By the way, if you dropped by hoping this will not be a rant about…


Things The West Wing Forgot to Tell Me: Shutdown Edition

I resisted writing this blog for two reasons.  For starters, the shutdown episode happened in…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot To Tell Me: Summer Recess Edition

When I sat down to write this blog about summer in DC, I was tempted…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot To Tell Me: DC is a Small Town

Fact: Washington, DC is a small town. Look, I didn’t grow up in small town…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot To Tell Me: Spring Sequester

I would usually write three separate blogs about Cherry Blossoms, Allergies and Tourists. But due…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot to Tell Me: I’m One of the Funnel People

If you watch even half an episode of The West Wing, you soon come to…


Things I Learned From Aaron Sorkin: Everything I Know About the World is Wrong

You weren’t expecting that, were you? But, Stefanie, you say, you always complain about things…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot to Tell me: Inauguration

I have fled the District of Columbia. Fled. Where am I? Sitting in a restaurant…


Things Aaron Sorkin Forgot To Tell Me: My First 24 Hours In Our Nation’s Capital

I love The West Wing – well, really, anything written by Aaron Sorkin – love…