8 Ways ‘The Vampire Diaries’ could say good-bye to Elena, from least to most ridiculous
Tonight, after six seasons, The Vampire Diaries will say good-bye to Elena Gilbert, possibly meaning that…
7 Plays You Need To Add To Your Reading List
If you’re looking for a little (literally) light reading, the perfect place to start is…
8 Things I Learned At An Early Morning Dance Party
I first heard about Day Breakers dance parties (early morning, completely sober shin-digs that happen…
10 Hashtags Everyone Should Start Using
#ThrowbackThursday, #TransformationTuesday, #FollowFriday. These are the hashtags Twitter users have come to depend on, but…
The 10 Emotional Stages of Writing Your First Novel
It has been on your New Year’s resolution list, your bucket list, your list of…
7 Very Important Things I’ve Learned From Doctor Shows
Contrary to what your parents might have told you growing up, TV can be very…
9 Songs With Lyrics That Totally Went Over Your Head As a Kid
Oh, the innocence of youth. A time when you whole-heartedly believed you too could end up…
6 Awesome Indie Movies You Should See This Summer
Summer is the season for big blockbusters, robots fighting aliens fighting whales with feet all…
4 Reasons You Should Still Be Watching MTV As An Adult
Remember the MTV of our youth? Where we could catch a boy band made up of…
A Field Guide To John Green’s Next Big Movie Adaptation
With the success of The Fault in Our Stars, Hollywood is obsessed with author John…
What Pop Culture Taught Me About “Bad Boys”
It started, like so many of my teen ideologies, with Gilmore Girls. “How could Rory…
8 Things We Expect From the Movie Version of ‘Into the Woods’
We already knew there would be some big changes to “Into the Woods,” Stephen Sondheim’s…
What To Do With Your Summer When You’re Not Doing Anything
When you were a kid, the three months of summer meant a giant break from…
Essential Movies For Every Feminist
Maybe last month’s #YesAllWomen hashtag inspired you to check out some films with strong women getting…
In Defense of Reading YA At Any Age
I’m prone to embarrassment. I can feel my face grow hot just remembering a time…
10 Great LGBTQ Films You Can Stream Through Netflix
Netflix binge watching often means sitting down for an hour or two of 30 Rock…
10 Facts to Fuel Your “The Fault In Our Stars” Obsession
The Fault in Our Stars, the movie we’ve been waiting for, the movie destined to make…
This Year’s Best Shows You Might Have Missed
Summer is a time for the best kind of to-do lists. Summer reading lists, a…